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Boston Cardinal

Transition Success Story: Paul Schur

Maximizing Potential: Paul Schur's Path to Independence & Financial Freedom

After two decades in the financial services industry, including at Merrill Lynch and Ameriprise, Paul Schur found himself at a pivotal moment in his career. While he had built a solid practice, he began to recognize that there might be untapped potential in both his business and personal financial strategy.

"I was content with my career," Paul reflects, "but I started to realize there were significant opportunities I could explore to both enhance my practice and secure my financial future."

This realization led Paul to reach out to Boston Cardinal at Vantage Impact. The connection proved to be a turning point in Paul's professional journey.

"Working with Boston and Vantage Impact was different from any professional interaction I'd had before," Paul shares. "The depth of knowledge and the personalized approach really set them apart. They provided resources and insights that helped me see my situation from a completely new perspective."

-Paul Schur, CFP®, Financial Advisor

With Vantage Impact's guidance, Paul began on a journey that would not only transform his practice but revolutionize his entire financial outlook. This path led him to partner with LPL Financial, opening up new possibilities for his career and clients.

Paul's decision to partner with LPL Financial and subsequently with Highlander Financial Group (HFG) was strategic. "Choosing LPL wasn't just about changing firms," he explains. "Their network of over 10,000 advisors provided a rich pool of potential buyers for my practice, which was crucial for my long-term plans. And partnering with HFG allowed me to offer enhanced services to my clients. Their in-house portfolio management and advanced financial planning capabilities mean we can often provide more cost-effective solutions. It's a win-win – better for my clients and better for my practice's valuation."

But Paul's story goes beyond simply changing firms. It's about reimagining what's possible in the latter stages of an advisor's career. Through a combination of savvy financial planning and tax strategies, Paul achieved what many would consider impossible: an 8x multiple on his book of business.

"Most advisors are accustomed to hearing about 3x multiples for recurring revenue," Paul notes. "I'm here to tell you that with the right approach, you can potentially double, even triple that figure."

Key to Paul's success was his holistic view of his transition. He didn't just focus on the sale of his practice; he considered how this move could optimize his overall financial picture, including leveraging Roth conversion strategies to potentially save hundreds of thousands in lifetime taxes.

"This isn't just about selling your book," Paul emphasizes. "It's about creating a comprehensive exit strategy that considers every aspect of your financial life."

Paul's partnership with HFG has opened new doors. "With HFG, I've found a way to continue adding value without the pressures of building a book," he shares. "It's allowed me to focus on what I truly enjoy – financial planning and helping other advisors see what's possible."

Paul's new arrangement has not only improved his financial outlook but also his quality of life. "I now have the flexibility to work on my terms, focus on the aspects of the business I enjoy most, and still provide excellent service to my clients," he says.

For advisors contemplating their next move, Paul offers this advice: "Don't wait. The window of opportunity isn't infinite. The sooner you start planning, the more options you'll have to create the future you want."

He also stresses the importance of overcoming inertia. "Change can be daunting, especially in our industry. But if financial aspects are important to you, you need to explore your options. The potential benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort of transition."

Paul's journey serves as a testament to what's possible when advisors think beyond the conventional wisdom of our industry. It's a story of transformation, optimization, and ultimately, freedom to define success on one's own terms.

"I'm excited about the future in a way I haven't been in years," Paul concludes. "And I'm passionate about helping other advisors discover the possibilities for themselves. If I can do it, so can you."